
Центр знаний

Центра Природных Ресурсов и Устойчивого Развития КНУ

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Gender gaps in Central Asia: A reassessment.

Gender gaps in Central Asia: A reassessment.

Год: 2021

Разделы: Научные публикации

Темы: Гендер

Авторы: Lerman Zvi

Страны: Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Узбекистан, Таджикистан


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The article reviews the latest available statistical information on gender inequalities in labor markets and in access to financial institutions, social services, and education. After a general review of agricultural development, household food security and rural poverty, population structure, and labor outmigration in Central Asia, the article examines the women’s role in the labor market, including both formal and informal female employment, the feminization of agriculture in the region, gender gaps in education and wages, and constraints on women’s access to extension services and land ownership. It is observed that women’s asset ownership rights and their access to supply and product markets are constrained by social norms. The article concludes with some conclusions and policy recommendations. This reassessment is designed to strengthen the qualitative approaches of the gender literature with some quantitative approaches from agricultural and development economics.

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