
Центр знаний

Центра Природных Ресурсов и Устойчивого Развития КНУ

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Overview of modelling techniques for Geo Hazard Risk Assessment

Overview of modelling techniques for Geo Hazard Risk Assessment

Год: 2017

Разделы: Научные публикации

Темы: Вода, Климат

Авторы: Gafurov A., Sagintayev J.M., Atanov Serikzhan

Страны: Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Узбекистан, Таджикистан, Туркменистан

Источник: Central Asian Journal of Water Research

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The occurrence of disasters both natural and man-made is inescapable. For this reason, the key to successful disaster resilience is preparation. Climatic and Anthropogenic distortions and the increasing population have impacted the environment and increased the probabilities of disaster events in the Central Asia region. Water resources in Central Asia are generated at high mountains with snow and glacier melt dominating the flow regime. Increasing temperatures at higher elevations will have an impact on the snow and glacier melting process and this will change the flow regime of Central Asian rivers. A combination of different modeling techniques, including regional climate monitoring, hydrological, hydro-geological, river hydraulics, geotechnical, debris flows, landslides, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) modeling tools are helpful for prediction analysis and disaster event preparation activities. Some these modeling techniques are reviewed in this article.

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