Year: 2021
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water, Agriculture
Authors: Петров Г., Митусов А.
Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research
Целью статьи является оценка резервов водосбережения в орошаемом земледелии Центральной Азии (ЦА) по сравнению с Израилем. Были сопоставлены такие показатели, как удельное водопотребление, атмосферные осадки и эвапотранспирация в период вегетации.
Year: 2022
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Climate
Authors: Митусов А., Зейберт Е. А., Акиншина Н. Г.
Countries: Uzbekistan
Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research
Целью исследования является изучение пылеудерживающей способности кроны деревьев и определение возможности использования этого параметра для оценки запыленности воздуха разных зон города. Показатель пылеудерживающей способности выражен в массе пыли, которую может удержать единица площади зеленой массы деревьев.
Year: 2022
Collections: Policy Briefs
Topics: Energy
Authors: Sospanova A., Kobzev A.
Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Strategic programs and roadmaps for a certain period to implement small-scale capacities from renewable energy sources must be developed.
Comprehensive legislation that protects the investor's rights and prescribes the conditions for connecting to the grid, and the sale of energy produced by private energy companies must be in place. Green tariffs, tax regulations and economic stimulation must be introduced. Education and public awareness activities to disseminate information on renewable energy technologies have to be conducted.
Year: 2022
Collections: Policy Briefs
Topics: Energy
Authors: Nurbossynova Saltanat, Idrissov Marat
Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Year: 2022
Collections: Policy Briefs
Topics: Water, Gender
Authors: Tankibayeva Aliya, Bouman-Dentener Alice, Ingraham Rachel Fisher
Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan
● Five Central Asian countries have the right momentum to build genderinclusive WASH
● Transition can accelerate with investments into safe, resource-efficient, scale-appropriate and modern supply and sanitation infrastructure, technologies, and services
● Inclusive WASH systems are resilient when women take an active role in policy decisions at all levels and implementation
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