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Low-cost filtering materials for domestic water treatment

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Nematullah Fetrat, Ahmad Reza Rostayee, Sai Kala

Countries: Afghanistan


The article investigates certain low-cost filtering materials and their filtration efficiency for open well sources in terms of economic access to clean water in Anakapalle, a suburb of Visa-khapatnam, India, during the pre-monsoon period of 2022. The corresponding research aimed to study a selection of filter materials including coconut shell activated carbon, rice husk ash, manganese modified sand, and graphene oxide, as well as assess their performance against selected physico-chemical parameters of water. Considering the basic idea of slow sand and gravity-based filtration, a setup was arranged with a cartridge filled with layers of filtering materials and a ceramic candle filter. Adsorption turned out the most pronounced removal mechanism that took place when utilizing the aforementioned filter materials. The main focus of the study was to reduce pH, TDS, hardness, alkalinity, chlorides and iron content by applying dif-ferent filtration removal mechanisms. The study results show a significant drop in turbidity, pH, TDS and chlorides, and small reduction in hardness when coconut shell activated carbon and rice husk ash were used as filtration media. Whereas the chemically coated medium – manga-nese modified sand – demonstrated a considerable fall in iron concentrations, graphene oxide sand was observed to reduce alkalinity for any sample source.

Морфологическая изменчивость сазана Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) в водоемах Балкаш-Алакольского бассейна

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Шарахметов С., Бараков Р.Т., Исбеков К.Б., Нуртазин С.Т.

Countries: Kazakhstan


В статье приведены результаты изучения морфологической изменчивости сазана (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) в пределах трех крупных водоемов Балкаш-Алакольского бассейна – оз. Балкаш, оз. Алаколь и Капшагайского водохранилища. По трем выборкам сазана обнаружены морфологические различия по ряду признаков (счетные и пластические). При анализе внешних признаков были изучены 24 пластических и 14 счетных признаков. С применением метода обработки цифровых изображений (MorphoJ) проанализированы различия сазана по форме тела. Применение метода главных компонент (PCA) позволило определить основные нагрузки на изученные морфологические признаки сазана. Выявленные статистически достоверные различия позволяют говорить о том, что формирование морфологических изменений сазана было вызвано длительностью адаптивной радиации, средовыми факторами водоемов и ежегодным искусственным зарыблением молодью.

Hydrogen production in Kazakhstan and Trans-Caspian Hydrogen Transportation

Year: 2024

Collections: Policy Briefs

Topics: Energy

Authors: Kobzev A., Manuel Andresh, Abylaikhan Soltanayev, Nurbek Yessetov

Countries: Kazakhstan


Impact of climate change on migration trends in rural Central Asia

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Climate

Authors: Nina Miholjcic-Ivkovic

Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research

Central Asia is considered a region highly vulnerable to climate change impact and susceptible to climate-induced migration. Rural populations throughout the region are particularly at risk of experiencing adverse effects of climate variability and (im)mobility due to increased exposure to environmental hazards and distress that can severely affect agricultural productivity. This paper explores how climate change impacts migration trends in rural areas of Central Asia with an aim to contribute to the research on climate mobility in the region focusing on most vulnerable inhabitants. By examining the ongoing region's environmental degradation with increased aridity and retreating glaciers that affect local agriculture, water and food security, this paper suggests possible outcomes of such effects on rural mobility trends across five Central Asian countries.

Morphological variability of Cyprinus Carpio Linnaeus, 1758 in water bodies of the Balkash-Alakol basin

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Barakov R.Т., Sharakhmatov S.Е., Isbekov К.B., Nurtazin S.Т.

Countries: Kazakhstan


The article presents the results of investigating the morphological variability of carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) in three large reservoirs of the Balkash-Alakol Basin – Lake Balkash, Lake Alakol, and Kapshagay Reservoir. Morphological differences in several features (counting and plasticity) were found in three carp samples. The study included the examination of 24 plastic and 14 counting features. The method of digital image processing (Morpho J) was applied to analyze the differences of the target fish species specimens by body shape. The application of the principal component analysis (PCA) method allowed determining the main loadings on the studied morphological traits of carp. The statistically reliable differences revealed allow to confirm the formation of morphological changes in carp caused by
the duration of adaptive radiation, environmental factors of water bodies and annual artificial stocking of young fish.

River basin recreational potential for rural tourism development in Aktobe region

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water


Countries: Kazakhstan


The aim of the research was to analyze the climate comfort and assess the recreational potential of river basins for the development of rural tourism in Aktobe Region, Kazakhstan.

High-resolution dynamic downscaling of historical and future climate projections over Central Asia

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Climate

Authors: Isaev E., Murata Akihiko, Shin Fukui, Roy C. Sidle

Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan


Climate change poses various challenges for agriculture and water management practices in Central Asia (CA). Central to these challenges are cryosphere dynamics, fragile mountain ecosystems, and ongoing natural hazards that highlight the need for robust projections of regional climate change. For the first time, dynamic downscaling was conducted in Central Asia at a spatial resolution of 5 km.

The challenge of doing good: promotion of recycling in Almaty through civic community initiatives

Year: 2024


Topics: Climate, Sustainable Development

Authors: Aliya Tskhay, Nazilya Kulpeshova

Countries: Kazakhstan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research

Recycling is one of the key components in reduction of carbon emissions and improving environmental conditions, especially in the urban context. In Central Asia, the legislation and infrastructure necessary for waste management is still under development. Thus, the knowledge gap and public awareness campaigns are mostly done at the grassroots level. This paper looks at the case of recycling promotion through civic community initiatives that also have a charitable component in Almaty. It explores the ethical considerations that are being entangled with the introduction of recycling culture in the city and is grounded in the literature on civil society, environmental ethics and social entrepreneurship. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with organizers of recycling fairs and NGOs working on recycling. The paper reveals that by appealing to the ethical considerations of people to “do good” and contribute to charitable cause, the organizers of the recycling fair also demonstrate the effects of over-consumerism, ways of doing waste management, and educate about reuse and upcycle culture. The single case of Darmarka in Almaty present a limitation of the study. Therefore, a more in-depth research on the organisation of Darmarka events in other cities in Kazakhstan and CIS, as well as on similar initiatives in other Central Asian countries would be beneficial in the future. This is an important contribution in understanding what challenges and opportunities exist in promotion of recycling in Central Asia, that can be useful to national governments, experts, and international organizations working in this area.

Assessing the Efficiency and Role of Duckweed (Lemna Minor) in the Removal of Pollutants from Wastewater Treatment Plant Secondary Clarifier Tanks: A Comprehensive Review

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Abdul Wahed Ahmadi, Sükrü Dursun

Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan


Aquatic plants, including duckweed (Lemna minor), are increasingly utilized in sewage and wastewater treat-ment to improve pollution parameters and organic matter removal.

Assessment of atmospheric circulation impacts on the Caspian Sea level and ice regime

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Naurozbayeva Zhanar

Countries: Kazakhstan


The research aimed to assess the influence of atmospheric processes in the Northern Hemi-sphere’s Atlantic-European Sector on the Caspian Sea level based on the data for the days with Wangenheim-Girs atmospheric general circulation forms.

Groundwater quality assessment using water quality index and geospatial tools: Kabul Province case study

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Maiwand Omary, Mohammad Najim Nasimi, Mohammad Nasim Nasimi

Countries: Afghanistan


This study aimed to evaluate the suitability of Kabul Province’s groundwater for drinking by way of analyzing the data collected from 34 ground monitoring wells. The purpose was helped through the assessment of a set of groundwater physico-chemical parameters (pH, turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS); sulfate, fluoride, nitrate, and boron content; total hardness (TH) as calcium carbonate, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and total iron), as well as the determination of the Water Quality Index (WQI) developed based on sampling the water points located in the districts of Kabul Province and Kabul City in the course of 3 years (2018 to 2020) to provide a clear and concise representation of water quality status, and cat-egorize groundwater into different quality classes ranging from “excellent” to “unsuitable for drinking”. Moreover, the spatial distribution of WQI and 12 physico-chemical parameter values was mapped using the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation in Arcmap 10.7 environment, revealing distinct water quality patterns across the study area. The water qual-ity testing outcomes under this investigation show compliance of multiple water contaminant concentrations with the World Health Organization (WHO) Water Quality Guidelines and Afghanistan National Drinking Water Quality Standards (ANDWQS). The WQI values range between 27.5 and 112 (as per ANDWQS) and between 33 and 127.5 (as per WHO Guide-lines); the WQI (WHO) display 9% and WQI (ANDWQS) display 3% of groundwater unsuit-able for drinking. Spatial variation maps (IDW Interpolation) demonstate that turbidity, TDS, TH, and magnesium concentration values for the provinces’s central and eastern sec-tions exceed the permissible thresholds. The study’s findings underscore the need for target-ed groundwater management strategies, including pollution control and regular monitoring, to safeguard water quality and public health in Kabul Province.

Assessment of lake Markakol’s physical and chemical condition with consideration of eutrofication

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Azamat Madibekov, Laura Ismukhanova, Askhat Zhadi, Botakoz Sultanbekova, Serik Zhumatayev, Alibek Karimov, Sergei Fokin

Countries: Kazakhstan


The study was conducted in 2023 and comprised a comparative assessment of the state of Lake Markakol’s aquatic ecosystems in surface and bottom water strata. The analysis of bottom water temperatures showed correlation between this parameter and dissolved oxygen concentrations, indicating that pollution caused by organic impurities leads to lake eutrophication, in turn, pro-pelling the extinction of aquatic life. Although the main water physicochemical parameters of Markakol Lake correspond to the oligotrophic type, the shifts in dissolved oxygen and phos-phate content, as well as growth of aquatic vegetation indicate its transition to the mesotrophic type. Higher phosphate content in water is a consequence of pollution disturbing the biological balance, as well as stimulating the reservoir’s eutrophication and increased biological productivity, i.e. algal bloom. In addition, phosphate ions serve an informative indicator of Hazard Class 3 (organoleptically hazardous) anthropogenic pollution. Based on the correlation factor (r), two statistical models were considered for the target lake: 1) Water Pollution: nutri-ent concentrations depending on surface and bottom water temperatures (Model 1); and 2) changes in Water Pollution Indices (biogenic, heavy metals, mean) because of air temperature growth due to global warming of 0.25°C/decade (Model 2).

Water Tales from Turkistan: Challenges and Opportunities for the Badam-Sayram Water System under a Changing Climate

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water, Climate

Authors: Aidar Zhumabaev, Hannah Schwedhelm, Beatrice Marti, Silvan Ragettli, Tobias Siegfried

Countries: Kazakhstan


The Badam River, a tributary to the Arys River located in the Syr Darya basin, is a crucial natural resource for ecological, social, and economic activities in the semi-arid region of southern Kazakhstan. The river basin is heavily influenced by manmade water infrastructure and faces water scarcity, particularly during summer, highlighting the importance of understanding its hydrological processes for effective water resource management. In this study, a semi-distributed conceptual hydrological model of the Badam River was implemented using the RS MINERVE hydrological software to evaluate the impacts of climate change on hydrology and to test the resilience of the water system. Connected HBV models were implemented for each of the hydrological response units that were defined as altitudinal zones. The hydrological model was calibrated using daily time steps between 1979 and 2011, and the resulting flow exceedance curves and hydrographs were used to assess the potential impacts of climate change on the basin, using CMIP6 precipitation and temperature scenarios. Future climate scenarios for the 2054 – 2064 period demonstrate that the peak discharge will be shifted to spring/late spring compared to the current early summer with no significant decrease in average discharge per day of the year. The insights gained from this hydrological-hydraulic model can be used to effectively manage the water system and inform future hydropower design decisions and serve as a blueprint for similar studies in the region and elsewhere.

Determinants of household energy use in the Fergana Valley

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Energy

Authors: Hans Holzhacker, Botagoz Rakisheva

Countries: Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research

In July-August, 2023, CAREC Institute, Public Opinion Research Institute, and Asian Development Bank Institute conducted a sociological survey on household energy use in the Fergana Valley spanning over the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The following article uses the data from that survey for investigating what determines the choice of different energy types for heating. The article concludes that high household expenditures for coal and high awareness of the harm fossil fuels can inflict on the environment and family health are insufficient to trigger a large-scale shift towards cleaner energy. To motivate households for such a shift a substantial increase in fossil fuel prices compared to electricity and other clean energy is required. This might call for a sales tax on coal. However, energy expenditure already accounts for up to one-third of household income. Low- and middle-income households would need to be compensated for increased energy spending to avoid social hardship and a backlash against such a tax.

Visible light photocatalytic degradation of HDPE microplastics using vanadium-doped titania

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Esther Mbuci Kinyua, George William Atwoki Nyakairu, Emmanuel Tebandeke, Oghenekaro Nelson Odume

Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan


Efficient strategies are necessary to effectively remove microplastics (MPs), which are widely present in the environment. Among various techniques, photocatalysis using visible light has emerged as a promising ap-proach to tackle the growing concerns surrounding microplastic waste.

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