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Visible light photocatalytic degradation of HDPE microplastics using vanadium-doped titania

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Esther Mbuci Kinyua, George William Atwoki Nyakairu, Emmanuel Tebandeke, Oghenekaro Nelson Odume

Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan


Efficient strategies are necessary to effectively remove microplastics (MPs), which are widely present in the environment. Among various techniques, photocatalysis using visible light has emerged as a promising ap-proach to tackle the growing concerns surrounding microplastic waste.

Spatio-temporal patterns of different tree species response to climatic factors in south Kyrgyzstan

Year: 2023

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Climate

Authors: Kulikov M., Shibkov E., Isaev E., Azarov A., Sidle R.

Countries: Kyrgyzstan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research

Understanding forest phenology is essential for monitoring global carbon budgets and managing vegetation resources in a changing climate. In southern Kyrgyzstan, walnut and wild apple trees dominate the forest landscape. These forests contain unique genetic diversity and offer potential for the development of climate-resilient crop varieties. They also support local communities through activities such as grazing, firewood collection, and fruit harvesting. However, these practices pose a threat to natural regeneration. Climate change exacerbates these challenges by altering their ecological niche. Despite this, few studies have examined forest phenology and its relationship to climate in Kyrgyzstan.

Климатические характеристики туманов восточного побережья Каспийского моря и их изменения с 1970 по 2020 г.

Year: 2023

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water, Climate

Authors: Лобанов В. А., Наурозбаева Ж. К.

Countries: Kazakhstan


На Каспийском море в течение всего года наблюдаются туманы различной интенсивности. В данной работе были привлечены сведения числа дней с туманами и их продолжительности в часах за каждый месяц с 1970 г. и с 1986 г. по 2020 г. в 4-х пунктах наблюдений: о. Кулалы, Форт-Шевченко, Тущибек и Актау.

Изучение эффективности различных систем землепользования для смягчения климата посредством измерения эмиссии парниковых газов

Year: 2023

Collections: Research Paper

Topics: Climate

Authors: Кусаинова Майра, Тойшиманов М.Р., Таменов Т.Б., Сыздык А.Б., Джикуан Ч.

Countries: Kazakhstan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research

Актуальность исследований состоит в использовании автоматизированной системы непрерывного измерения выбросов CO2 из почвы – Li-8100 (Campbell Scientific) – при применении различных методов обработки почвы (без обработки, навоз и минеральные удобрения) под основные культуры (кукурузу, пшеницу, ячмень) на примере Алматинской области. В статье представлены данные, полученные учеными при проведении полевых исследований в условиях предгорной зоны.

Water corruption in Central Asia: A rapid review

Year: 2023

Collections: Research Paper

Topics: Water

Authors: Mukhtarova A.

Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research

Academic scholarship defines sectoral corruption, namely water corruption one of the main threats to the development of Central Asia. While applying a rapid review, the purpose of this article is to explore the current state of research on water corruption, its various forms, and typologies in different water sectors (such as water supply and sanitation, irrigation, hydropower, and water resources management).

Climate change, co2 emission, and economic development: evidence from Kazakhstan

Year: 2023

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Climate

Authors: Tleppayev A., Zeinolla S.


Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research

This study aims to identify the relationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth to assess the influence on climate change. Design: The algorithm was chosen for research provision: statistical and comparative analysis, correlation, and regression analysis. The data for 1999-2020 was obtained from the World Bank and the Bureau of National Statistics. Results: After looking at the conditions and factors that affect Kazakhstan’s energy system, we believe it is essential to study how different factors affect economic growth, with a focus on environmental change. The results of modeling with regression models back this up. The model demonstrated that energy consumption has the most significant influence on CO2 emissions; however, in the GDP model, all factors, such as urbanization, energy consumption, and energy pricing, had an equal impact.

Баланс массы ледника № 139 бассейна озера Каракуль Восточного Памира

Year: 2023

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Кабутов Х.К Каюмов А., Сакс Т., Наврузшоев Х.Д., Восидов Ф.К., Неккадамова Н.М., Халимов А.М.,

Countries: Tajikistan


Целью данной статьи является расчёт поверхностного баланса массы (SMB) ледника № 139 в бассейне оз. Каракуль, позволяющий на основе полученных результатов оценить степень влияния изменения климата на оледенение данной территории, а также перспективу изменения состояния ледников в будущем. 

Water availability for bioenergy in Kazakhstan: Review, preliminary results, and key points

Year: 2023

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Karatayev M.

Countries: Kazakhstan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research

In transitional countries with arid climates, water stress is rising as the demand for water rises with population, economic growth, and intensive development of agriculture and energy and change in climate environment. In this regard, transitional nations plan in national programmes and policies alternative energy sources, sustainable food development, and circular water resource usage. However, these nations frequently approach current water, energy, and food planning without taking interactions of these resources and their impact on each other into account. This paper intends to demonstrate the significance of the water, energy, and food nexus approach for Central Asian countries in transition.

Водная коррупция в Центральной Азии: краткий обзор

Year: 2023

Collections: Research Paper

Topics: Water

Authors: Мухтарова А.

Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research

Академическая наука определяет отраслевую коррупцию, а именно коррупцию в секторе водного хозяйства, как одну из главных угроз развитию Центральной Азии. Целью данной статьи является анализ академических исследований затрагивающих тему водной коррупции, ее форм и типологий в различных секторах водного хозяйства (таких как водоснабжение и санитария, ирригация, гидроэнергетика и управление водными ресурсами). В частности, исследование направлено на изучение вопроса как коррупция в водном секторе определяется и анализируется в академических источниках в Центральной Азии.

A new strategy for merging the environmental and commerce challenges of the Caspian

Year: 2023

Collections: Research Paper

Topics: Water, Green business

Authors: Hutson N., Taganova J.

Countries: Kazakhstan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research

Recent geopolitical events have thrust the Caspian region into a time of unparalleled opportunity. Specifically, the Middle Corridor (“MC”) has been presented as a potential savior for trans-Eurasian commerce. At the same time, its success relies on a sea that is in an ecologically precarious state.

Anthropogenic Impacts in the Yesil River Basin

Year: 2023

Collections: Research Paper

Topics: Water

Authors: Makhmudova L., Mussina A., Ospanova M., Zharylkassyn A., Kanatuly A.

Countries: Kazakhstan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research

The research aimed to assess the impact of human economic activities on the Yesil River Basin based on the observational data contained in Kazhydromet’s (Republic State Enterprise, RSE) hydrometeorological periodicals of 1933-2019. The additional analysis of numerous sources – statistics digests, online data of the Bureau of National Statistics under the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK), monographs and scientific papers also allowed to reliably evaluate the overall water consumption in the country.

Current and potential conflicts for ecosystem services caused by agricultural land use in Central Asia, and essential implications for research on sustainable land management in the region

Year: 2023

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Agriculture, Sustainable Development, Management

Authors: Conrad Christopher, Kussainova Maira, Schmidt G.

Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research

The increasing demand for food, bioenergy and other agricultural products, as well as the intensification of climate change, pose special challenges for Central Asia’s agricultural sector in terms of implementing sustainable land management. Central Asia is a climate change hot spot. Adaptation measures of agricultural land use to climate change imply new trade-offs in terms of quality and provision of ecosystem services. Based on literature studies, this paper identifies examples of such trade-offs and presents possible solutions. The ecoregions of Central Asia show strong interdependencies. Therefore, a special focus has to be put on the transregional effects of the use of ecosystem services. Against the background of different concepts of sustainable development (ESS, SDG, Global Environmental Syndromes) integrative approaches for sustainable use and design of landscapes are necessary.

Measuring the Capacity for Adaptation to Climate Change in Central Asia

Year: 2023

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Climate

Authors: Sabyrbekov R., Overland I.

Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research

Climate change poses a formidable threat to the Central Asian region, exacerbating preexisting vulnerabilities and necessitating enhanced adaptation efforts. The economic and environmental costs of these changing climatic conditions are substantial, compelling governments to bolster their adaptive capacity. In this study, we employ the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) adaptation framework and high-quality data to quantitatively measure the capacities of the Central Asian countries to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

COP28 UNFCCC Central Asia Pavilion Side Event “Assessing and Addressing Climate Change Impacts in Central Asia: Challenges and Solutions”

Year: 2023

Collections: Conferences, Video

Topics: Climate


Countries: N/A

Source: carececo

Scientific journal “Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research”

December 8th, 2023, 9.30-11.00

Place: Central Asia Pavilion (Zone B2, Building 15), Blue Zone COP28, Expo City Dubai, UAE

Динамика изменения запасов воды в снежном покрове в Есильском водохозяйственном бассейне

Year: 2023

Collections: Research Paper

Topics: Water, IWRM

Authors: Гафуров А. А., Тиллакарим Т.А., Кауазов А.М.

Countries: Kazakhstan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research

В статье представлена динамика изменения максимальных запасов воды в снежном покрове в Есильском водохозяйственном бассейне в период 1971–2019 гг. Основной целью работы является изучение динамики изменения влагозапасов снежного покрова, так как снежный покров играет важную роль в климатических, гидрологических и гляциологических процессах, являясь мощным климатообразующим фактором.

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