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Small-Scale Renewable Energy System

Year: 2022

Collections: Policy Briefs

Topics: Energy

Authors: Sospanova A., Kobzev A.

Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan


Strategic programs and roadmaps for a certain period to implement small-scale capacities from renewable energy sources must be developed.

Comprehensive legislation that protects the investor's rights and prescribes the conditions for connecting to the grid, and the sale of energy produced by private energy companies must be in place. Green tariffs, tax regulations and economic stimulation must be introduced. Education and public awareness activities to disseminate information on renewable energy technologies have to be conducted.

Динамика площади зеркала горных озер бассейна реки Гунт (Памир, Таджикистан)

Year: 2022

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Кабутов Х.К Сагинтаев Жанай, Наврузшоев Х.Д., Восидов Ф.К., Неккадамова Н.М., Халимов А.М.,

Countries: Tajikistan


Целью данной работы является изучение динамики площади зеркала горных озер в период с 2000 по 2019 г. Используя показатели дистанционного зондирования, нами были собраны сводные данные о питании, расположении и площади зеркала горных озер.

“Green” hydrogen for Kazakhstan and CA countries in the era of decarbonisation. Main Findings

Year: 2022

Collections: Policy Briefs

Topics: Energy

Authors: Nurbossynova Saltanat, Idrissov Marat

Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan


  • The Republic of Kazakhstan has natural advances regarding to other CA countries in production of “green” hydrogen;
  • The Republic of Uzbekistan has more developed regulatory system and governmental support for studying and implementation of hydrogen using;
  • The Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan are planning to develop hydrogenation and do not considering the hydrogen as the way of decarbonisation;
  • There are no information about Turkmenistan’s government attitude regarding hydrogen development.

Management of sustainable industrial development: innovative search for an adaptive approach in Kyrgyzstan

Year: 2022

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Sustainable Development, Management

Authors: Bobushev T. S.

Countries: Kyrgyzstan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research

From 1990 until today, diversification and in some cases a sharp decline of industrial production in Kyrgyzstan have not been properly accompanied by proactive planning and/or management strategies. The adopted 2019-2023 Strategy for Sustainable Industry Development of the Kyrgyz Republic [Decree of the Government of the KR, 2019], including its processing segment, mainly aims to foster the advancement of selected manufacturing sectors and exports, as well as to enhance the competitiveness of Kyrgyz-made industrial goods. Kyrgyzstan’s industry represents one of the key elements of the national economy contributing approx. 20.0% to its GDP [NSC, 2021].

Социально-экологические, правовые и экономические аспекты изучения содержания тяжелых металлов в продуктах потребления в Республике Таджикистан в контексте развития крупных городов страны

Year: 2022

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Sustainable Development

Authors: Улугов У., Султанова Т., Шарипов Б., Азизов Ф.

Countries: Tajikistan

Source: Цетральноазиатский журнал исследования климата и устойчивого развития

В 2021–2022 гг. общественная организация «Пешсаф» при поддержке международной общественной организации «Чистая Земля» запустила проект по исследованию товаров народного потребления на содержание токсичных металлов (среди которых особое место занимает свинец) в крупных городах страны. Свинец и его соединения чрезвычайно часто применяются в пищевой, лакокрасочной промышленности и для изготовления игрушек. Это ставит под угрозу жизнь и здоровье населения крупных городов, которое становится главным потребителем товаров народного потребления.

The scientific online tool “Water Use Efficiency Monitor for Central Asia - WUEMoCA” for monitoring and optimizing national water use efficiency measures

Year: 2022

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water, Irrigation, IWRM

Authors: Conrad Christopher, Usman Muhammad, Kenjabaev Shavkat, Ziganshina Dinara, Kussainova Maira, Nikolayenko Alexandr

Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan


Management interventions to increase water use efficiency in the irrigation sector of Central Asia were introduced but a scientific control instrument is still missing - The online tool WUEMoCA provides relevant irrigation performance indicators in the Aral Sea Basin from satellite data in combination with additional sources - WUEMoCA-based analysis of water security and water use efficiency showed: o 11 out of 33 provinces in the Aral Sea Basin were below the critical level to supply crop water demands for more than 5 years in 2000-2018. o Irrigation water use efficiency is very low in general (55%-60%) and scientific data hints at missing or failing water management interventions in the Amu Darya and Zarafshan basins. - WUEMoCA can strategically supplement the ongoing digitization efforts of the countries in the water sector. - By utilizing WUEMoCA-like tools, Central Asian governments and water management bodies will have new platforms for steering and assessing current and future strategic interventions in regional water management.

Changing with the weather: Afghan farmers adapt to drought

Year: 2022

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Climate

Authors: Aliyar Qurban, Collins Neil

Countries: Afghanistan


Sustainable mobility and logistics for Central Asia. Research perspectives for a climate center

Year: 2022

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Sustainable Development

Authors: Idrissov Marat, Yerzakovich Yelena, Dienel Hans-Liudger, Assmann Tom

Countries: Kazakhstan


Analysis of sets of factors affecting the variable flow of the Amu Darya River to create a seasonal prognostic model

Year: 2022

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Shadurdyyev G.

Countries: Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research

Differentiated regional policy approach for the development of monotowns in Kazakhstan

Year: 2022

Collections: Policy Briefs

Topics: Sustainable Development

Authors: Samekina S., Issayeva G.

Countries: Kazakhstan


An individual monotown is a unique combination of available resources, trends and potential. Earlier management decisions, due to their uniformity, did not take such specifics into account. As a result, state support measures have not had the expected effect. The introduction of a differentiated approach to regional policy transformation can therefore be a trigger for positive change.

Socio-economic and public health impacts of climate change and water availability in Aral District, Kyzylorda Region, Kazakhstan

Year: 2022

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Climate

Authors: Khaibullina Zh., Amantaikyzy A., Ariphanova D., Temirbayeva R., Mitusov A., Zhurumbetova Zh.

Countries: Kazakhstan


Knowledge-based soil management for a sustainable ecological and economic development of Central Asia

Year: 2022

Collections: Policy Briefs

Topics: Agriculture, Sustainable Development

Authors: Guggenberger Georg, Shibistova Olga, Liebelt Peter, Muminjanov Hafiz, Kassam Amir, Friedrich Theodor

Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan


Soil degradation is widespread and cross-border in Central Asia with multiple symptoms. This impairs the provision of ecosystem services, including food production, climate change mitigation, biodiversity, and human health. The soil health concept links soil management to broader sustainable development goals. Soil knowledge and its application has to be invigorated, for instance by establishing a Central Asian Soil Competence Network.

Evaluation of transport corridor effects on sustainability: Kazakhstan case study

Year: 2022

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Sustainable Development, Transportation and logistics

Authors: Taisarinova A.

Countries: Kazakhstan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research

This research aimed to identify the implementation level of Task 9.1 (Sustainable Development Goal 9) in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The literature review under this study also allowed assessing the degree to which the transport corridors impact the sustainable development of the Central Asian Region. In addition, 97 companies were surveyed and 51 extended interviews were conducted as part of the CILT Central Asia Project to assess the effects of transport corridors on businesses. The study has revealed significant gaps in the SDG9 data collection system, specifically, the need to integrate indicators on the impacts of building new infrastructure in the information collection system for SDG9 evaluation.

Правовые и экологические предпосылки отнесения крупных ГЭС к возобновляемым источникам энергии в условиях Таджикистана: инициирование дискуссии

Year: 2022

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water, Energy

Authors: Улугов У., Султанова Т.

Countries: Tajikistan

Source: Цетральноазиатский журнал исследования климата и устойчивого развития

В статье инициируется дискуссия по одной из наиболее актуальных проблем современного энергетического права, имеющей чрезвычайно важное значение для дальнейшего развития энергетической отрасли Республики Таджикистан и других государств с весомым гидроэнергетическим потенциалом. В частности, в статье поднимается проблема о необоснованности общепризнанной позиции, что крупные ГЭС не относятся к возобновляемым источникам энергии. Авторы статьи исследовали ряд публикаций, в которых излагается идея признания принадлежности крупных ГЭС к возобновляемым источникам энергии, и в рамках настоящей статьи развили её с учётом собственных наблюдений и доводов в контексте гидроэнергетического потенциала Республики Таджикистан.

Water consumption of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) from a site in northern Kazakhstan

Year: 2022

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Thevs Niels, Aliev Kumar

Countries: Kazakhstan


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