
Центр знаний

Центра Природных Ресурсов и Устойчивого Развития КНУ

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Morphological variability of Cyprinus Carpio Linnaeus, 1758 in water bodies of the Balkash-Alakol basin

Year: 2024

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Barakov R.Т., Sharakhmatov S.Е., Isbekov К.B., Nurtazin S.Т.

Countries: Kazakhstan


The article presents the results of investigating the morphological variability of carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) in three large reservoirs of the Balkash-Alakol Basin – Lake Balkash, Lake Alakol, and Kapshagay Reservoir. Morphological differences in several features (counting and plasticity) were found in three carp samples. The study included the examination of 24 plastic and 14 counting features. The method of digital image processing (Morpho J) was applied to analyze the differences of the target fish species specimens by body shape. The application of the principal component analysis (PCA) method allowed determining the main loadings on the studied morphological traits of carp. The statistically reliable differences revealed allow to confirm the formation of morphological changes in carp caused by
the duration of adaptive radiation, environmental factors of water bodies and annual artificial stocking of young fish.


The article presents the results of investigating the morphological variability of carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) in three large reservoirs of the Balkash-Alakol Basin – Lake Balkash, Lake Alakol, and Kapshagay Reservoir. Morphological differences in several features (counting and plasticity) were found in three carp samples. The study included the examination of 24 plastic and 14 counting features. The method of digital image processing (Morpho J) was applied to analyze the differences of the target fish species specimens by body shape. The application of the principal component analysis (PCA) method allowed determining the main loadings on the studied morphological traits of carp. The statistically reliable differences revealed allow to confirm the formation of morphological changes in carp caused by
the duration of adaptive radiation, environmental factors of water bodies and annual artificial stocking of young fish.

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