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Центра Природных Ресурсов и Устойчивого Развития КНУ

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The regional and national practices in creation of the Kyrgyz Republic water sector informational databases

The regional and national practices in creation of the Kyrgyz Republic water sector informational databases

Year: 2017

Collections: Scientific Publications

Topics: Water

Authors: Bulekbayeva Latifa

Countries: Kyrgyzstan

Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research


The main purpose of the article is to provide overview of “National Water Information System”implemented in Kyrgyzstan, the review and familiarization with available national databases of water sector in Kyrgyzstan, which were created jointly with the Scientific Information Center of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (SIC ICWC). Presented information systems were established in accordance with the Agreement between Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, using modern information technologies.The main objective of information systems is to improve the information support of the water and environmental sectors in Central Asian countries. The information system “CAREWIB”and the database “Chu-Talas”were constructed using the elements of integrated water resources management (IWRM).

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