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Topic: Water

  • Water
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  • Sustainable Development
  • Irrigation
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  • Gender
  • IWRM
  • Green business
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  • Management
  • Gender-inclusive clean water supply and sanitation for Central Asia

    Year: 2022

    Collections: Policy Briefs

    Topics: Water, Gender

    Authors: Tankibayeva Aliya, Bouman-Dentener Alice, Ingraham Rachel Fisher

    Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan


    ● Five Central Asian countries have the right momentum to build genderinclusive WASH

    ● Transition can accelerate with investments into safe, resource-efficient, scale-appropriate and modern supply and sanitation infrastructure, technologies, and services

    ● Inclusive WASH systems are resilient when women take an active role in policy decisions at all levels and implementation

    The scientific online tool “Water Use Efficiency Monitor for Central Asia - WUEMoCA” for monitoring and optimizing national water use efficiency measures

    Year: 2022

    Collections: Scientific Publications

    Topics: Water, Irrigation, IWRM

    Authors: Conrad Christopher, Usman Muhammad, Kenjabaev Shavkat, Ziganshina Dinara, Kussainova Maira, Nikolayenko Alexandr

    Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan


    Management interventions to increase water use efficiency in the irrigation sector of Central Asia were introduced but a scientific control instrument is still missing - The online tool WUEMoCA provides relevant irrigation performance indicators in the Aral Sea Basin from satellite data in combination with additional sources - WUEMoCA-based analysis of water security and water use efficiency showed: o 11 out of 33 provinces in the Aral Sea Basin were below the critical level to supply crop water demands for more than 5 years in 2000-2018. o Irrigation water use efficiency is very low in general (55%-60%) and scientific data hints at missing or failing water management interventions in the Amu Darya and Zarafshan basins. - WUEMoCA can strategically supplement the ongoing digitization efforts of the countries in the water sector. - By utilizing WUEMoCA-like tools, Central Asian governments and water management bodies will have new platforms for steering and assessing current and future strategic interventions in regional water management.

    Water resources and water security in Central Asia

    Year: 2022

    Collections: Policy Briefs

    Topics: Water

    Authors: Gafurov A., Latinovic M., Schone T. Kogutenko Larissa,

    Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan


    Adaptation to expected water shortage and increasing water demand has to be undertaken to achieve water security in the future. In-depth studies on the quantification of climate change impact on water resources should be considered. Optimization of water management practices should consider the best economic value between Central Asian countries. Decision making process on water management should be supported with more scientific knowledge. Capacity building measures on the assessment of water availability in times of climate change should be improved.

    Analysis of sets of factors affecting the variable flow of the Amu Darya River to create a seasonal prognostic model

    Year: 2022

    Collections: Scientific Publications

    Topics: Water

    Authors: Shadurdyyev G.

    Countries: Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan

    Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research

    The impacts of the pandemic on Kazakh-German University education system and introduction of innovative activities and practices on the example of IWRM Master programme and UNESCO Chair on water resources management activities in CA and Afghanistan

    Year: 2022

    Collections: Reports

    Topics: Water


    Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan


    The report was prepared by a team of experts, a staff member of UNESCO Chair on Water Resources Management in Central Asia at Kazakh-German University (DKU)

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