
Knowledge space

Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability DKU

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Topic: Sustainable Development

  • Water
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Agriculture
  • Eco business
  • Sustainable Development
  • Irrigation
  • Renewable energy
  • Gender
  • IWRM
  • Green business
  • Water law
  • Transportation and logistics
  • Management
  • Знания – ключ к партнерству и устойчивому развитию в Центральной Азии

    Year: 2015

    Collections: Short Communications

    Topics: Sustainable Development

    Authors: Абдуллаев Искандар Хикматович

    Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

    Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research

    Evaluation of transport corridor effects on sustainability: Kazakhstan case study

    Year: 2022

    Collections: Scientific Publications

    Topics: Sustainable Development, Transportation and logistics

    Authors: Taisarinova A.

    Countries: Kazakhstan

    Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research

    This research aimed to identify the implementation level of Task 9.1 (Sustainable Development Goal 9) in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The literature review under this study also allowed assessing the degree to which the transport corridors impact the sustainable development of the Central Asian Region. In addition, 97 companies were surveyed and 51 extended interviews were conducted as part of the CILT Central Asia Project to assess the effects of transport corridors on businesses. The study has revealed significant gaps in the SDG9 data collection system, specifically, the need to integrate indicators on the impacts of building new infrastructure in the information collection system for SDG9 evaluation.

    Management of sustainable industrial development: innovative search for an adaptive approach in Kyrgyzstan

    Year: 2022

    Collections: Scientific Publications

    Topics: Sustainable Development, Management

    Authors: Bobushev T. S.

    Countries: Kyrgyzstan

    Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research

    From 1990 until today, diversification and in some cases a sharp decline of industrial production in Kyrgyzstan have not been properly accompanied by proactive planning and/or management strategies. The adopted 2019-2023 Strategy for Sustainable Industry Development of the Kyrgyz Republic [Decree of the Government of the KR, 2019], including its processing segment, mainly aims to foster the advancement of selected manufacturing sectors and exports, as well as to enhance the competitiveness of Kyrgyz-made industrial goods. Kyrgyzstan’s industry represents one of the key elements of the national economy contributing approx. 20.0% to its GDP [NSC, 2021].

    Current and potential conflicts for ecosystem services caused by agricultural land use in Central Asia, and essential implications for research on sustainable land management in the region

    Year: 2023

    Collections: Scientific Publications

    Topics: Agriculture, Sustainable Development, Management

    Authors: Conrad Christopher, Kussainova Maira, Schmidt G.

    Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

    Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research

    The increasing demand for food, bioenergy and other agricultural products, as well as the intensification of climate change, pose special challenges for Central Asia’s agricultural sector in terms of implementing sustainable land management. Central Asia is a climate change hot spot. Adaptation measures of agricultural land use to climate change imply new trade-offs in terms of quality and provision of ecosystem services. Based on literature studies, this paper identifies examples of such trade-offs and presents possible solutions. The ecoregions of Central Asia show strong interdependencies. Therefore, a special focus has to be put on the transregional effects of the use of ecosystem services. Against the background of different concepts of sustainable development (ESS, SDG, Global Environmental Syndromes) integrative approaches for sustainable use and design of landscapes are necessary.

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