Year: 2024
Collections: Policy Briefs
Topics: Climate
Authors: Жакенова Салтанат, Тлеппаев Арсен, Джанибеков Нодир, Крылова Виктория
Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Университеты и академическое сообщество в Центральной Азии играют важнейшую роль в борьбе с последствиями изменения климата, включая повышение температуры, сокращение водных ресурсов и увеличение частоты экстремальных погодных явлений, угрожающих сельскому хозяйству и средствам к существованию. Приоритетным направлением академических усилий должны стать исследования стратегий адаптации, способствующих повышению устойчивости и стабильности. Однако, исследования в области изменения климата в Центральной Азии представлены недостаточно, что подчеркивает настоятельную необходимость расширения исследовательской деятельности
Year: 2024
Collections: Policy Briefs
Topics: Energy
Authors: Kobzev A., Manuel Andresh, Abylaikhan Soltanayev, Nurbek Yessetov
Countries: Kazakhstan
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Esther Mbuci Kinyua, George William Atwoki Nyakairu, Emmanuel Tebandeke, Oghenekaro Nelson Odume
Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan
Efficient strategies are necessary to effectively remove microplastics (MPs), which are widely present in the environment. Among various techniques, photocatalysis using visible light has emerged as a promising ap-proach to tackle the growing concerns surrounding microplastic waste.
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Naurozbayeva Zhanar
Countries: Kazakhstan
The research aimed to assess the influence of atmospheric processes in the Northern Hemi-sphere’s Atlantic-European Sector on the Caspian Sea level based on the data for the days with Wangenheim-Girs atmospheric general circulation forms.
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Tillakarim T., Serikbay N., Satmurzayev A., Sairov S.
Countries: Kazakhstan
The research aimed to evaluate the possibility of applying the HBV model for assessing the flow of the Ile Alatau Mountain Range rivers. The main part of the corresponding water resources forms on the northern slopes of the Ile Alatau making them a significant water balance and water supply factor for the major cities of Almaty, Kaskelen, Talgar, and Yesik.
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water, Climate
Authors: Айдар Жумабаев, Ханна Шведхельм, Беатрис Марти, Сильван Раджеттли, Тобиас Зигфрид
Countries: Kazakhstan
Река Бадам, приток реки Арыс, входящая в состав Сырдарьинского бассейна, представляет собой важнейший природный ресурс для экологической и социально-экономической деятельности в зоне полузасушливого климата Южного Казахстана. Существенное влияние на речной бассейн оказывает искусственная водная инфраструктура. Бассейн также сталкивается с дефицитом воды, особенно летом, что подчеркивает важность понимания гидрологических процессов, происходящих в его границах, для эффективного управления водными ресурсами. В рамках настоящего исследования с целью оценки воздействия изменения климата на гидрологию и анализа устойчивости водной системы на базе гидрологического программного пакета RS MINERVE была создана полураспределенная концептуальная гидрологическая модель р. Бадам. Связанные модели HBV были реализованы для каждой из гидрологических единиц реакции, которые были определены как высотные зоны. Гидрологическая модель была откалибрована с использованием дневных временных интервалов за период с 1979 по 2011 гг. Полученные кривые вероятности превышения стока и гидрографы были использованы для оценки потенциального воздействия изменения климата на целевой бассейн с использованием сценариев осадков и температуры CMIP6. Будущие климатические сценарии на период 2054-2064 гг. указывают на смещение пикового стока на весенний/поздневесенний период по сравнению с текущим ранним летом без значительного снижения среднесуточного стока в течение года. Созданная гидрологико-гидравлического модель и результаты моделирования могут быть использованы для обеспечения эффективного управления водной системой и обоснования будущих гидроэнергетических проектов, а также могут служить основой для проведения аналогичных исследований в регионе и за его пределами.
Year: 2024
Collections: Policy Briefs
Topics: Climate
Authors: Zhakenova Saltanat, Arsen Tleppayev, Nodir Djanibekov, Viktoriya Krylova
Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Universities and academia in Central Asia play a crucial role in addressing climate change impacts, including rising temperatures, diminishing water resources, and increased frequency of extreme weather events threatening agriculture and livelihoods. Academic efforts must prioritize research on tailored adaptation strategies to foster resilience and sustainability. However, there's an underrepresentation of climate change research from Central Asia, emphasizing the urgent need for expanded research efforts.
Year: 2024
Collections: Policy Briefs
Topics: Energy
Authors: Кобзев Алексей, Мануэль Андреш, Абылайхан Солтанаев, Нурбек Есетов
Countries: Kazakhstan
Энергетический переход продолжается с беспрецедентной скоростью и масштабом, требуя новых технологий с низким уровнем выбросов углерода. Зеленый водород рассматривается как часть решения для достижения декарбонизации промышленности, что потребует согласованных действий со стороны промышленности и правительства для того, чтобы Казахстан смог получить выгоды.
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Countries: Kazakhstan
The aim of the research was to analyze the climate comfort and assess the recreational potential of river basins for the development of rural tourism in Aktobe Region, Kazakhstan.
Year: 2024
Topics: Climate, Sustainable Development
Authors: Aliya Tskhay, Nazilya Kulpeshova
Countries: Kazakhstan
Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research
Recycling is one of the key components in reduction of carbon emissions and improving environmental conditions, especially in the urban context. In Central Asia, the legislation and infrastructure necessary for waste management is still under development. Thus, the knowledge gap and public awareness campaigns are mostly done at the grassroots level. This paper looks at the case of recycling promotion through civic community initiatives that also have a charitable component in Almaty. It explores the ethical considerations that are being entangled with the introduction of recycling culture in the city and is grounded in the literature on civil society, environmental ethics and social entrepreneurship. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with organizers of recycling fairs and NGOs working on recycling. The paper reveals that by appealing to the ethical considerations of people to “do good” and contribute to charitable cause, the organizers of the recycling fair also demonstrate the effects of over-consumerism, ways of doing waste management, and educate about reuse and upcycle culture. The single case of Darmarka in Almaty present a limitation of the study. Therefore, a more in-depth research on the organisation of Darmarka events in other cities in Kazakhstan and CIS, as well as on similar initiatives in other Central Asian countries would be beneficial in the future. This is an important contribution in understanding what challenges and opportunities exist in promotion of recycling in Central Asia, that can be useful to national governments, experts, and international organizations working in this area.
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Abdul Wahed Ahmadi, Sükrü Dursun
Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan
Aquatic plants, including duckweed (Lemna minor), are increasingly utilized in sewage and wastewater treat-ment to improve pollution parameters and organic matter removal.
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water, Climate, Agriculture
Authors: Nazar Nurzoda
Countries: Tajikistan
This study aimed to examine the efficiency of different drip irrigation regimes in spring film greenhouses for early tomato harvesting. The field (small-plot) experiment included designing and testing the watering technology suitable for rural Tajikistan. Irrigation, soil moisture, and tomato growth were followed for several seasons under four irrigation pilots. The experiments showed that the most effective drip irrigation regime for Elpida hybrid tomato was carrying it out while regulating soil moisture within 75-85%, with the irrigation demand of 4,978 m3/ha and irrigation norm of 99.0 m3/ha, also contributing to better water efficiency. The volume of irrigation water for the production of one unit of tomato crop in the second experiment was 5.73 m3/ha, i.e. 14.18% less than in the control plot. The study showed that the tomato evapotranspiration coefficient tends to increase as the threshold of soil mois-ture before and after irrigation grows. The maximum net yield amounted to 1,342 thou. Somoni/ha – 1.9 times or 52.7% higher compared to the control plot. The research findings can guide individual farmers and production facilities, as well as the overall development of agrarian economies like Tajikistan.
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water, Climate
Authors: Aidar Zhumabaev, Hannah Schwedhelm, Beatrice Marti, Silvan Ragettli, Tobias Siegfried
Countries: Kazakhstan
The Badam River, a tributary to the Arys River located in the Syr Darya basin, is a crucial natural resource for ecological, social, and economic activities in the semi-arid region of southern Kazakhstan. The river basin is heavily influenced by manmade water infrastructure and faces water scarcity, particularly during summer, highlighting the importance of understanding its hydrological processes for effective water resource management. In this study, a semi-distributed conceptual hydrological model of the Badam River was implemented using the RS MINERVE hydrological software to evaluate the impacts of climate change on hydrology and to test the resilience of the water system. Connected HBV models were implemented for each of the hydrological response units that were defined as altitudinal zones. The hydrological model was calibrated using daily time steps between 1979 and 2011, and the resulting flow exceedance curves and hydrographs were used to assess the potential impacts of climate change on the basin, using CMIP6 precipitation and temperature scenarios. Future climate scenarios for the 2054 – 2064 period demonstrate that the peak discharge will be shifted to spring/late spring compared to the current early summer with no significant decrease in average discharge per day of the year. The insights gained from this hydrological-hydraulic model can be used to effectively manage the water system and inform future hydropower design decisions and serve as a blueprint for similar studies in the region and elsewhere.
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water, Sustainable Development
Authors: Catalin Stefan, Jana Sallwey, Nurlan Ongdas, Mohammad Al-Hosban
Countries: Kazakhstan
MAR remains relatively underutilized in Central Asia despite its potential to address water scarcity issues, particularly those related to seasonal fluctuations in water availability. Thus, the objective of this study was to produce a map depicting the potential suitability of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) implementation in Kazakhstan. Employing a multi-criteria decision analysis framework, five distinct physical criteria were integrated and visualized within a Geographic Information System (GIS) to delineate the intrinsic potential for MAR. To demonstrate the practical utility of the generated map, it was applied to the Zhambyl region in Southern Kazakhstan, an area previously afflicted by water scarcity challenges. The intrinsic MAR potential map was overlaid with remote sensing data identifying potential water sources and water utilization patterns. This overlay facilitated the identification of priority areas with potential for further evaluation for MAR implementation. The map developed for Kazakhstan represents the first spatial representation of MAR potential within the region, serving to raise awareness regarding the feasibility of MAR application. It is anticipated that dissemination of this map will enhance understanding among water management professionals, potentially catalysing the integration of MAR methodologies into regional water management strategies.
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Шарахметов С., Бараков Р.Т., Исбеков К.Б., Нуртазин С.Т.
Countries: Kazakhstan
В статье приведены результаты изучения морфологической изменчивости сазана (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) в пределах трех крупных водоемов Балкаш-Алакольского бассейна – оз. Балкаш, оз. Алаколь и Капшагайского водохранилища. По трем выборкам сазана обнаружены морфологические различия по ряду признаков (счетные и пластические). При анализе внешних признаков были изучены 24 пластических и 14 счетных признаков. С применением метода обработки цифровых изображений (MorphoJ) проанализированы различия сазана по форме тела. Применение метода главных компонент (PCA) позволило определить основные нагрузки на изученные морфологические признаки сазана. Выявленные статистически достоверные различия позволяют говорить о том, что формирование морфологических изменений сазана было вызвано длительностью адаптивной радиации, средовыми факторами водоемов и ежегодным искусственным зарыблением молодью.
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