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  • Gafurov A.

    Water resources and water security in Central Asia

    Year: 2022

    Collections: Policy Briefs

    Topics: Water

    Authors: Gafurov A., Latinovic M., Schone T. Kogutenko Larissa,

    Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan


    Adaptation to expected water shortage and increasing water demand has to be undertaken to achieve water security in the future. In-depth studies on the quantification of climate change impact on water resources should be considered. Optimization of water management practices should consider the best economic value between Central Asian countries. Decision making process on water management should be supported with more scientific knowledge. Capacity building measures on the assessment of water availability in times of climate change should be improved.

    Overview of modelling techniques for Geo Hazard Risk Assessment

    Year: 2017

    Collections: Scientific Publications

    Topics: Water, Climate

    Authors: Gafurov A., Sagintayev J.M., Atanov Serikzhan

    Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

    Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research

  • Galym Iskakov

    Coal mine methane in Kazakhstan: economic and environmental case study

    Year: 2024

    Collections: Scientific Publications

    Topics: Climate, Energy

    Authors: Sergey Vassilyev, Galym Iskakov

    Countries: Kazakhstan

    Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research

    The study aimed to evaluate the economic and financial viability of a coal mine methane (CMM) utilization project in Central Kazakhstan, demonstrating a methodology for similar initiatives. The analysis was based on the 2013 project proposed by the US Environmen-tal Protection Agency (EPA) that intended to capture methane emissions from six coal mines for electricity generation, yet was never implemented. The study’s relevance stems from Kazakhstan's 2030 methane pledge, recent progress in the country's climate change-related policy, mineworker mortality in 2023, and the shift of mines ownership. Building upon the technical specifications of the 2013 US EPA project, this research em-ployed standard financial and economic cost-benefit analysis (CBA). The financial model utilized a traditional discounted free cash flow approach, while the economic model in-corporated additional factors like the value of statistical life (VSL), shadow pricing, as well as benefits associated with mitigating ozone health impacts, crop damage, mine ex-plosion risks, and CO2 emissions. The economic model has indicated a positive net pre-sent value of $243 mln and 42% internal rate of return. The financial analysis also sug-gests potential profitability under fair electricity and carbon pricing market conditions. To assess project robustness under varying economic and financial assumptions, the study included a sensitivity analysis. The research has likewise leveraged prior CMM-related studies in Kazakhstan and provides valuable guidance for analyzing similar projects. In addition, it also highlights the need for certain adjustments in the current legislation to incentivize such projects, as well as to promote environmental sustainability and social development by mitigating methane emissions, which aligns with Kazakhstan's climate goals.

  • George William Atwoki Nyakairu

    Visible light photocatalytic degradation of HDPE microplastics using vanadium-doped titania

    Year: 2024

    Collections: Scientific Publications

    Topics: Water

    Authors: Esther Mbuci Kinyua, George William Atwoki Nyakairu, Emmanuel Tebandeke, Oghenekaro Nelson Odume

    Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan


    Efficient strategies are necessary to effectively remove microplastics (MPs), which are widely present in the environment. Among various techniques, photocatalysis using visible light has emerged as a promising ap-proach to tackle the growing concerns surrounding microplastic waste.

  • Gerlitz Lars

    Technical Note: Why Methods Matter. A Guidance for Data-based Climate and Hydrological Change Assessments

    Year: 2016

    Collections: Short Communications

    Topics: Water, Climate, Agriculture, Sustainable Development, IWRM

    Authors: Unger-Shayesteh Katy, Gerlitz Lars, Vorogushyn Sergiy

    Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

    Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research

    An important topic of the journal “Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia” will be the assessment of past and future changes in climate and water resources in Central Asia. This technical note aims at providing guidance for sound data-based assessment of changes to be published in this journal. The main requirements for achieving credible results are (1) the use of consistent data series, (2) the selection of appropriate change detection methods, and (3) the discussion of the results, their uncertainties and limitations. Using an example of trend analysis, it is exemplarily shown how inhomogeneities in a data series, the selection of start and end points, the applied methods, and temporal aggregation may affect the results of change studies.

  • Guggenberger Georg

    Knowledge-based soil management for a sustainable ecological and economic development of Central Asia

    Year: 2022

    Collections: Policy Briefs

    Topics: Agriculture, Sustainable Development

    Authors: Guggenberger Georg, Shibistova Olga, Liebelt Peter, Muminjanov Hafiz, Kassam Amir, Friedrich Theodor

    Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan


    Soil degradation is widespread and cross-border in Central Asia with multiple symptoms. This impairs the provision of ecosystem services, including food production, climate change mitigation, biodiversity, and human health. The soil health concept links soil management to broader sustainable development goals. Soil knowledge and its application has to be invigorated, for instance by establishing a Central Asian Soil Competence Network.

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