Year: 2022
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Agriculture
Authors: Babu Suresh Chandra, Akramov Kamiljon
Countries: Tajikistan
Year: 2018
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Thevs Niels, Aliev Kumar, Strenge Eva, Eraaliev Maksat, Lang Petra, Baibagysov Azim
Countries: Kazakhstan
Year: 2021
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Sharakhmetov S.E., Barakbayev T.R., Adayev T.O.
Countries: Kazakhstan
Year: 2021
Collections: Research Paper
Topics: Water
Authors: Sharakhmetov S.E., Barakbayev T.R., Adayev T.O.
Countries: Kazakhstan
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Barakov R.Т., Sharakhmatov S.Е., Isbekov К.B., Nurtazin S.Т.
Countries: Kazakhstan
The article presents the results of investigating the morphological variability of carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) in three large reservoirs of the Balkash-Alakol Basin – Lake Balkash, Lake Alakol, and Kapshagay Reservoir. Morphological differences in several features (counting and plasticity) were found in three carp samples. The study included the examination of 24 plastic and 14 counting features. The method of digital image processing (Morpho J) was applied to analyze the differences of the target fish species specimens by body shape. The application of the principal component analysis (PCA) method allowed determining the main loadings on the studied morphological traits of carp. The statistically reliable differences revealed allow to confirm the formation of morphological changes in carp caused by
the duration of adaptive radiation, environmental factors of water bodies and annual artificial stocking of young fish.
Year: 2020
Collections: Research Paper
Topics: Water
Authors: Krupa E., Barinova S., Romanova S., Aubakirova M., Ainabaeva N.
Countries: Kazakhstan
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water, Climate
Authors: Aidar Zhumabaev, Hannah Schwedhelm, Beatrice Marti, Silvan Ragettli, Tobias Siegfried
Countries: Kazakhstan
The Badam River, a tributary to the Arys River located in the Syr Darya basin, is a crucial natural resource for ecological, social, and economic activities in the semi-arid region of southern Kazakhstan. The river basin is heavily influenced by manmade water infrastructure and faces water scarcity, particularly during summer, highlighting the importance of understanding its hydrological processes for effective water resource management. In this study, a semi-distributed conceptual hydrological model of the Badam River was implemented using the RS MINERVE hydrological software to evaluate the impacts of climate change on hydrology and to test the resilience of the water system. Connected HBV models were implemented for each of the hydrological response units that were defined as altitudinal zones. The hydrological model was calibrated using daily time steps between 1979 and 2011, and the resulting flow exceedance curves and hydrographs were used to assess the potential impacts of climate change on the basin, using CMIP6 precipitation and temperature scenarios. Future climate scenarios for the 2054 – 2064 period demonstrate that the peak discharge will be shifted to spring/late spring compared to the current early summer with no significant decrease in average discharge per day of the year. The insights gained from this hydrological-hydraulic model can be used to effectively manage the water system and inform future hydropower design decisions and serve as a blueprint for similar studies in the region and elsewhere.
Year: 2021
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Agriculture
Authors: Beishenaly Nazik, Dufays Frédéric
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Year: 2021
Collections: Research Paper
Topics: Agriculture
Authors: Beishenaly Nazik, Dufays Frédéric
Countries: Kazakhstan
Year: 2022
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Sustainable Development, Management
Authors: Bobushev T. S.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research
From 1990 until today, diversification and in some cases a sharp decline of industrial production in Kyrgyzstan have not been properly accompanied by proactive planning and/or management strategies. The adopted 2019-2023 Strategy for Sustainable Industry Development of the Kyrgyz Republic [Decree of the Government of the KR, 2019], including its processing segment, mainly aims to foster the advancement of selected manufacturing sectors and exports, as well as to enhance the competitiveness of Kyrgyz-made industrial goods. Kyrgyzstan’s industry represents one of the key elements of the national economy contributing approx. 20.0% to its GDP [NSC, 2021].
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Energy
Authors: Hans Holzhacker, Botagoz Rakisheva
Countries: Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan
Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research
In July-August, 2023, CAREC Institute, Public Opinion Research Institute, and Asian Development Bank Institute conducted a sociological survey on household energy use in the Fergana Valley spanning over the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The following article uses the data from that survey for investigating what determines the choice of different energy types for heating. The article concludes that high household expenditures for coal and high awareness of the harm fossil fuels can inflict on the environment and family health are insufficient to trigger a large-scale shift towards cleaner energy. To motivate households for such a shift a substantial increase in fossil fuel prices compared to electricity and other clean energy is required. This might call for a sales tax on coal. However, energy expenditure already accounts for up to one-third of household income. Low- and middle-income households would need to be compensated for increased energy spending to avoid social hardship and a backlash against such a tax.
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Azamat Madibekov, Laura Ismukhanova, Askhat Zhadi, Botakoz Sultanbekova, Serik Zhumatayev, Alibek Karimov, Sergei Fokin
Countries: Kazakhstan
The study was conducted in 2023 and comprised a comparative assessment of the state of Lake Markakol’s aquatic ecosystems in surface and bottom water strata. The analysis of bottom water temperatures showed correlation between this parameter and dissolved oxygen concentrations, indicating that pollution caused by organic impurities leads to lake eutrophication, in turn, pro-pelling the extinction of aquatic life. Although the main water physicochemical parameters of Markakol Lake correspond to the oligotrophic type, the shifts in dissolved oxygen and phos-phate content, as well as growth of aquatic vegetation indicate its transition to the mesotrophic type. Higher phosphate content in water is a consequence of pollution disturbing the biological balance, as well as stimulating the reservoir’s eutrophication and increased biological productivity, i.e. algal bloom. In addition, phosphate ions serve an informative indicator of Hazard Class 3 (organoleptically hazardous) anthropogenic pollution. Based on the correlation factor (r), two statistical models were considered for the target lake: 1) Water Pollution: nutri-ent concentrations depending on surface and bottom water temperatures (Model 1); and 2) changes in Water Pollution Indices (biogenic, heavy metals, mean) because of air temperature growth due to global warming of 0.25°C/decade (Model 2).
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