Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water, Sustainable Development
Authors: Catalin Stefan, Jana Sallwey, Nurlan Ongdas, Mohammad Al-Hosban
Countries: Kazakhstan
MAR remains relatively underutilized in Central Asia despite its potential to address water scarcity issues, particularly those related to seasonal fluctuations in water availability. Thus, the objective of this study was to produce a map depicting the potential suitability of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) implementation in Kazakhstan. Employing a multi-criteria decision analysis framework, five distinct physical criteria were integrated and visualized within a Geographic Information System (GIS) to delineate the intrinsic potential for MAR. To demonstrate the practical utility of the generated map, it was applied to the Zhambyl region in Southern Kazakhstan, an area previously afflicted by water scarcity challenges. The intrinsic MAR potential map was overlaid with remote sensing data identifying potential water sources and water utilization patterns. This overlay facilitated the identification of priority areas with potential for further evaluation for MAR implementation. The map developed for Kazakhstan represents the first spatial representation of MAR potential within the region, serving to raise awareness regarding the feasibility of MAR application. It is anticipated that dissemination of this map will enhance understanding among water management professionals, potentially catalysing the integration of MAR methodologies into regional water management strategies.
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Barakov R.Т., Sharakhmatov S.Е., Isbekov К.B., Nurtazin S.Т.
Countries: Kazakhstan
The article presents the results of investigating the morphological variability of carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) in three large reservoirs of the Balkash-Alakol Basin – Lake Balkash, Lake Alakol, and Kapshagay Reservoir. Morphological differences in several features (counting and plasticity) were found in three carp samples. The study included the examination of 24 plastic and 14 counting features. The method of digital image processing (Morpho J) was applied to analyze the differences of the target fish species specimens by body shape. The application of the principal component analysis (PCA) method allowed determining the main loadings on the studied morphological traits of carp. The statistically reliable differences revealed allow to confirm the formation of morphological changes in carp caused by
the duration of adaptive radiation, environmental factors of water bodies and annual artificial stocking of young fish.
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Esther Mbuci Kinyua, George William Atwoki Nyakairu, Emmanuel Tebandeke, Oghenekaro Nelson Odume
Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan
Efficient strategies are necessary to effectively remove microplastics (MPs), which are widely present in the environment. Among various techniques, photocatalysis using visible light has emerged as a promising ap-proach to tackle the growing concerns surrounding microplastic waste.
Year: 2023
Collections: Research Paper
Topics: Water
Authors: Makhmudova L., Mussina A., Ospanova M., Zharylkassyn A., Kanatuly A.
Countries: Kazakhstan
Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research
The research aimed to assess the impact of human economic activities on the Yesil River Basin based on the observational data contained in Kazhydromet’s (Republic State Enterprise, RSE) hydrometeorological periodicals of 1933-2019. The additional analysis of numerous sources – statistics digests, online data of the Bureau of National Statistics under the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK), monographs and scientific papers also allowed to reliably evaluate the overall water consumption in the country.
Year: 2023
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Climate
Authors: Sabyrbekov R., Overland I.
Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research
Climate change poses a formidable threat to the Central Asian region, exacerbating preexisting vulnerabilities and necessitating enhanced adaptation efforts. The economic and environmental costs of these changing climatic conditions are substantial, compelling governments to bolster their adaptive capacity. In this study, we employ the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) adaptation framework and high-quality data to quantitatively measure the capacities of the Central Asian countries to adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Year: 2018
Collections: Research Paper
Topics: Water, Water law
Authors: Paisley Richard Kyle
Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Year: 2017
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Plekhanov P.A.
Countries: Kazakhstan
Year: 2023
Topics: Water, IWRM
Authors: Domullodzhanov D., Rahmatilloev R.
Countries: Tajikistan
Source: Central Asian Journal of Water Research
Farmers in remote, arid areas, far from available water sources, need affordable water solutions for household and livestock use. In this study, the water needs and potential for rainwater harvesting (RWH) in the Kysylsu River Basin are estimated at different altitudes.
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