Year: 2021
Collections: Research Paper
Topics: IWRM
Authors: Alamanos A., Zeng Q.
Countries: N/A
Year: 2021
Collections: Research Paper
Topics: IWRM
Authors: Alamanos A.
Countries: N/A
Year: 2024
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Azamat Madibekov, Laura Ismukhanova, Askhat Zhadi, Botakoz Sultanbekova, Serik Zhumatayev, Alibek Karimov, Sergei Fokin
Countries: Kazakhstan
The study was conducted in 2023 and comprised a comparative assessment of the state of Lake Markakol’s aquatic ecosystems in surface and bottom water strata. The analysis of bottom water temperatures showed correlation between this parameter and dissolved oxygen concentrations, indicating that pollution caused by organic impurities leads to lake eutrophication, in turn, pro-pelling the extinction of aquatic life. Although the main water physicochemical parameters of Markakol Lake correspond to the oligotrophic type, the shifts in dissolved oxygen and phos-phate content, as well as growth of aquatic vegetation indicate its transition to the mesotrophic type. Higher phosphate content in water is a consequence of pollution disturbing the biological balance, as well as stimulating the reservoir’s eutrophication and increased biological productivity, i.e. algal bloom. In addition, phosphate ions serve an informative indicator of Hazard Class 3 (organoleptically hazardous) anthropogenic pollution. Based on the correlation factor (r), two statistical models were considered for the target lake: 1) Water Pollution: nutri-ent concentrations depending on surface and bottom water temperatures (Model 1); and 2) changes in Water Pollution Indices (biogenic, heavy metals, mean) because of air temperature growth due to global warming of 0.25°C/decade (Model 2).
Year: 2022
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Thevs Niels, Aliev Kumar
Countries: Kazakhstan
Year: 2018
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Thevs Niels, Aliev Kumar, Rouzi Ahemaitijiang, Abudushalike Nuerbayi
Countries: China
Year: 2018
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Thevs Niels, Aliev Kumar, Strenge Eva, Eraaliev Maksat, Lang Petra, Baibagysov Azim
Countries: Kazakhstan
Year: 2022
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Climate
Authors: Aliyar Qurban, Collins Neil
Countries: Afghanistan
Year: 2024
Topics: Climate, Sustainable Development
Authors: Aliya Tskhay, Nazilya Kulpeshova
Countries: Kazakhstan
Source: Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research
Recycling is one of the key components in reduction of carbon emissions and improving environmental conditions, especially in the urban context. In Central Asia, the legislation and infrastructure necessary for waste management is still under development. Thus, the knowledge gap and public awareness campaigns are mostly done at the grassroots level. This paper looks at the case of recycling promotion through civic community initiatives that also have a charitable component in Almaty. It explores the ethical considerations that are being entangled with the introduction of recycling culture in the city and is grounded in the literature on civil society, environmental ethics and social entrepreneurship. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with organizers of recycling fairs and NGOs working on recycling. The paper reveals that by appealing to the ethical considerations of people to “do good” and contribute to charitable cause, the organizers of the recycling fair also demonstrate the effects of over-consumerism, ways of doing waste management, and educate about reuse and upcycle culture. The single case of Darmarka in Almaty present a limitation of the study. Therefore, a more in-depth research on the organisation of Darmarka events in other cities in Kazakhstan and CIS, as well as on similar initiatives in other Central Asian countries would be beneficial in the future. This is an important contribution in understanding what challenges and opportunities exist in promotion of recycling in Central Asia, that can be useful to national governments, experts, and international organizations working in this area.
Year: 2021
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water, IWRM
Authors: Tulemisova G., Amangosova A., Abdinov R., Kabdrakhimov G., Dzhanzakova B.
Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Year: 2022
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Climate
Authors: Khaibullina Zh., Amantaikyzy A., Ariphanova D., Temirbayeva R., Mitusov A., Zhurumbetova Zh.
Countries: Kazakhstan
Year: 2018
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Water
Authors: Sadeqinazhad Fahima, Atef Said Shakib, Amatya Devendra M.
Countries: Afghanistan
Year: 2022
Collections: Scientific Publications
Topics: Climate
Authors: Khaibullina Zh., Amantaikyzy A., Ariphanova D., Temirbayeva R., Mitusov A., Zhurumbetova Zh.
Countries: Kazakhstan
Year: 2024
Collections: Policy Briefs
Topics: Climate
Authors: Zhakenova Saltanat, Arsen Tleppayev, Nodir Djanibekov, Viktoriya Krylova
Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Universities and academia in Central Asia play a crucial role in addressing climate change impacts, including rising temperatures, diminishing water resources, and increased frequency of extreme weather events threatening agriculture and livelihoods. Academic efforts must prioritize research on tailored adaptation strategies to foster resilience and sustainability. However, there's an underrepresentation of climate change research from Central Asia, emphasizing the urgent need for expanded research efforts.
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